Basic training to develop biceps

To do a  bicep workout,  you need to stand up and hold the bar with your palms facing out and shoulder-width apart. The arms should be almost straight, keep minimal flex in the arms so that the biceps are kept taut throughout the exercise and the bar must touch the front of the thighs. Without parting your elbows, go raising the bar as much as you can. Just move your forearms. Pause and return the bar to the starting position and repeat.

Something you should not do during your bicep workout is: move your body back and forth to endure more repetitions. Not only is it dangerous, but you make the biceps work less. If you work less, you will see less muscle.

If you are under the direction of a coach, he will instruct you to use a light weight to focus on the shape. He will also recommend that you keep your elbows close to the rib cage and your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, with a slight bend in the knees throughout the exercise. You will feel better balanced and you will move less forward or back.

Curls will always be the most recommended movements, try them in various ways with:

Bars, dumbbells, pulleys; it can be standing or sitting, on an incline bench and on a preacher bench.

The important thing that you give work to your muscles without hurting yourself

If you want to increase, this other training for biceps can be very good, you have to use the bars or pull-ups, although it represents a lot of torture, but if you want to develop those biceps in a short time, this is the best way to do it.

First grab the bar with the palms of your hands facing the front and with a grip the  width of your shoulders . Then slowly lift your body until your chin is over the bar. Lower your body and repeat the exercise as many times as you can: the total is your maximum number of repetitions. Do three sets of bars three times a week. Follow this program and increase your maximum number of repetitions every four weeks.

Below I propose routines for you to do in 4 weeks:

First week:  Start by doing 60 percent of your maximum, if your maximum is 10 repetitions, perform only six bars, in each of the series, in three of them.

Second week:  Add one more repetition to each series, but using the conventional grip, with the palms of your hands facing you; and slightly wider than your shoulder width.

Third week:  Using the grip of the beginning, with your palms facing the front, take the bar eight centimeters wider than your shoulders, on each side. Add another repetition to each series.

Week Four:  Perform the exercise with the same grip, but taking the bar at the width of your shoulders and adding one more repetition to each series.

Inverted pulley milestones. — Your back, biceps and forearms will work there. Place a pair of small wipes on both sides of the bar with which you exercise your back and secure them to it with adhesive tape, the wipes should allow you a grip a little more extensive than the width of your shoulders. This will force the muscles in your forearms and hands to work from an inverted angle, that is, with the palms of your hands facing you. Sit on the bench resting your thighs on the supports. Slowly pull the bar up to your chest, pause, and let the pulley resistance pull your arms up. And repeat the exercise.